Welcome to the IPhO Podcast. Each episode will introduce a new leader in industry who will share information about his/her role, relevant experiences, and advice for listeners looking to advance their industry career. The podcast hosts, Sergio Gatoulis and Alex Schepart, have nearly 20 years of combined industry experience and know what it takes to transition from pharmacy student to industry pharmacist—so you'll find something interesting no matter where you are in your journey. Pop in your earbuds and enjoy the show!

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Episode 14 - Advice from a Champion (Iram Hasan, PharmD)
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
On this episode, Sergio and Alex are joined by Iram Hasan, who currently heads up the UCB Fellowship Program while also working in Regulatory Affairs. For Iram, a fellowship was nowhere on her radar when she was graduating pharmacy school. She stumbled upon her fellowship program and spent time evaluating industry against residency.
Ultimately, though, she made a choice that changed the entire trajectory of her career. Iram shares her advice about applying to multiple functional areas, the most important traits to highlight in an interview, the unique way the UCB Fellowship Program recruits, the "intangibles" recruiters look for in candidates, and more.

Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Episode 12 - Setting Your Strategy with Veronica Nguyen, PharmD
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
"Coincidence or Serendipity?" Next up in our Midyear Marathon series, Veronica joins us to share her career journey and how a sequence of serendipitous events led her to pursue fellowship training. Inspired by her brother's love for research and with her strong belief in the scientific method, Veronica has always had a logical and calculated approach to life, until chance and destiny stepped in to take care of the rest.
Listen in as Veronica shares her candid philosophies on navigating Midyear and her fellowship experiences. Her guiding principles? Have positive influences, come over-prepared, stay true to your values, and trust your instincts. Plus, hear how she is navigating fellowship interviews on the other side and her advice for students going through the recruitment process.
The brochures mentioned in the episode can be found HERE.

Friday Oct 08, 2021
Episode 11 - Jessie Kim and Richard Cale
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
In what feels like a universe full of fellowship positions, it can feel daunting to know how to narrow down options and select "the one."
Should you choose a program affiliated with a university? One with a partner organization like IPhO? A one-year position or a two-year position? There are many factors to consider when determining which program is the best fit for you.
On episode 11, Aleksey is joined by Jessie Kim, PharmD, MS, first-year Global Regulatory Affairs Fellow at UCB; and Richard Cale, PharmD, first-year Marketing Fellow at Becton Dickinson (BD). Aleksey, Jessie, and Richard chose fellowship positions affiliated with IPhO, and they share their thoughts on how and why they made the choices that they did when applying for fellowships.

Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Episode 10 - Jim Alexander Returns
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Sunday Sep 12, 2021
Jim joins us for the second time on the IPhO podcast—and the timing couldn't be better. Listen in as he shares information about the important resources on the IPhO website that will help fellowship candidates and employers navigate the ever-changing fall recruitment period. Students get advice on how best to prepare for their interviews and what to do to stay organized and confident. Plus, he shares valuable tips for those conducting interviews. The key? Resist the urge to find a clone of yourself, as tempting as it might be.

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Episode 9 - Preston Skersick, PharmD, US Medical Affairs Fellow at GSK/UNC
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Going through the fellowship interview process at Midyear poses many challenges: keeping track of timelines, preparing for interviews, staying calm under pressure, feeling confident in your responses and decisions - the list goes on and on.
Thankfully, IPhO Podcast episode 9 offers some important guidance to help you prepare. On this episode, Aleksey is joined by Preston Skersick, a current US Medical Affairs Fellow at GSK/UNC. They both share tips and tricks that helped them navigate the fellowship interview process and land the positions they really wanted.

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
For episode eight, we are joined by Rolee Das, PharmD, who has built a successful career at Bristol Myers Squibb. Rolee dives deep into her career journey, which she says took many unexpected twists and turns.
From clinical, to academia as a professor at Rutgers, to industry—she has worn many hats and shares her thoughts on each one. What advice does she have for pharmacists being told that working in industry is "selling out?" What does she enjoy most about her work? And what traits separated her top students from the rest (hint: it's not the grades)? Get answers to these questions (and so much more) in episode eight!

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Episode 7 - Corey Rantz, PharmD WW Medical Strategy, Oncology Fellow, BMS
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
We are excited to release the first podcast episode hosted by our newest member of the team, Aleksey. Aleksey is joined by Corey Rantz, a current Bristol Myers Squibb fellow.
It's no surprise how important it is to find mentors throughout your career—individuals who can help guide you, answer your questions, and look out for you as you navigate industry.
But finding the right mentor can sometimes feel overwhelming. In this episode, Corey and Aleksey share personal stories about how they found and built relationships with their mentors and what other students can do to get started searching for their own.

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Episode 6 - Aleksey Gitelson, PharmD Incoming Global Patient Safety Fellow UCB/IPhO
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Aleksey, an incoming UCB/IPhO fellow and Class of 2021 graduate of Wilkes University, joins us for IPhO Podcast episode six.
As a student, Aleksey was looking for more information about Midyear, fellowship recruitment, and general advice on starting out in industry as a pharmacist. He reached out to our IPhO podcast team with the goal of creating a second monthly episode offering tips and advice for students—and the rest is history in the making!
Aleksey will join as our newest podcast host later this summer with his very first episode. And in the meantime, tune in to episode six to learn more about what's to come from Aleksey, hot topics in industry today, and more!

Thursday May 27, 2021
Episode 5 - Nicolas James, PharmD, MBA and Sona Patel, PharmD
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Nick and Sona are natural-born leaders. Not only are they excelling in their respective fellowship programs—Nick is the UCB/IPhO Global Regulatory Affairs Fellow and Sona is the RevHealth/IPhO Pharmaceutical Advertising Fellow—but they also served as co-chiefs for the National Fellows Council (NFC) during the 2020-2021 term.
Sona got her start with an industry internship by applying to nearly 100 (yes, really!) companies to find her best fit. Nick took an active role in his school's IPhO chapter and established long-lasting industry connections with mentors. Their determination and willingness to put in the work required to stand out have not gone unnoticed.
All that said: one of their key takeaways is simple. Don't feel like you need to stretch yourself too thin. Find what you're passionate about and make it better. Make a change and an impact on whatever you choose to spend your time doing, and you will be better for it.